There are little things that I remember about Zach from before we were more than friends that I often think about these days that just make me smile. They are unimportant moments from the past. Little pieces of our story before we even knew it had begun.
For instance, I can remember sitting with him in English during the sixth grade. What I remember the most is that he had such a thick southern accent, that his eyes were an amazingly bright blue, and his eyelashes were so dark and long that they looked like a feathered fringe.
I remember being the only one able to successfully read his handwriting in high school. He's told me now that this was an obvious sign of our future together. At the time I was just proud of my own ability to easily read his childish chicken scratch, as myself and others called it, making me the only person able to grade his U.S History short answer questions from the daily quizzes during our sophomore year in high school.
He would call and ask me to help him buy clothes. He started this in high school and it continued despite our relationships with other people or what was going on in our lives. He let me pick out what I thought he should get, and he would listen and take my opinion seriously.
He let me drive his brand new Mustang when he had only had it for a week, though he had refused to let anyone else behind the wheel.
He loved me, though I was slow to see it or appreciate it's depth, and I know he always will.
I often wonder about these memories, these little moments that now have so much meaning. How have they helped to make the tapestry that is my life, Zach's life, and now our life together? Where do these little stitches come in? What color or detail do they contribute to the bigger picture? I know that his memories are different, that he recalls things that I don't, or that he can't remember moments that are so vivid to me. I do not know how it has all come together in the fabric of our existence, but I know that my view of this life is more bright and defined because of them.
The Charlie Calendar Lives On!
4 weeks ago
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