Yes, it was a Monday today. It was a hard day to get up and go to work. I was still so tired this morning, but I made it to work on time and I was proud of myself. My husband and I had a tiff early this morning. The puppies started barking before five because someone needed to go out and potty. It is Zach's job to get up and take them out in the middle of the night because I have to get up in time to drive an hour to work. Well, I'm always the one that hears the puppies bark, and it is my job to tell Zach to get up. It irritates me to no end that he won't just get up and get it over with. If the puppies are barking because they need to potty, his delays may cause the newest pup, Owen, to have an accident.
This morning I had to nag him to get up and let them out. He was not happy about it, and decided that he would bring his dog, Penny, upstairs with him when he came back up. We had discussed this that night when he suggested bringing just her upstairs. I said that we had already decided that no dogs would be allowed in the bedroom after all the accidents, and that it wouldn't be fair to Omie and Owen. He brought her upstairs anyway. I got up and took her back downstairs and put her in the crate with the others.
When my phone alarm started to go off at 5:30, I decided that I would give him a taste of his own medicine in response to his bringing Penny upstairs. I let it go off without getting up to get it. Zach will often get up and get it for me, but he didn't feel like being nice this morning, and I was going to make a point. He asked me if I was going to get it. I gave him his classic response whenever I tell him to get up, "I'm getting up." And of course I didn't move. The phone alarm went off and started again five minutes later. The same thing happened - "Are you going to get that?" I moved around and turned over and said "I'm getting it." He couldn't stand it. He got up and told me he was going downstairs to sleep on the couch with his dog.
When I came downstairs before heading out to work, I saw him asleep on the couch with Penny curled up at his feet. They looked adorable, but I was still making a point. I kissed him goodbye and headed out the door.
I'm not good at holding a grudge, and I was over it by the time I had gotten a few miles down the road. I called him to see what he might want me to make for dinner to make amends.
I guess we'll both work through these irritations and find a happy medium for the both of us, but it's going to be painful until we do.
Ok, so Monday posts are supposed to be happy and cheerful, but I think I needed to get this out there, that Zach and I are like any normal couple - we can be petty.
I'm glad that we don't hold grudges though, and that while we may get angry at each other during the day, we never go to bed angry. I love Zach, he loves me, and I love a happy home. It takes work to get everything you want, and it takes patience and more hard work to keep it. Happiness is an earned reward for taking the bad with the good. We all have our faults, and we all need second chances...or one millionth chances.
The Charlie Calendar Lives On!
4 weeks ago
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