Zach and I are contemplating another new addition to the family.
::Pause for effect::
No, we aren't trying to have a kid, but we are looking to adopt one. The furry, four legged kind, that is. Right after Zach and I got married we adopted two dogs from the local kill shelter. We also have two cats that I adopted three years ago, and so we are currently a family of six. I love having lots of furry kids, and I love rescuing deserving animals who need a happy home. They are all like real kids - demanding in their own way, they each have their special quirks, and someone is always picking on someone else.
Today, I am going to meet a new dog that is up for adoption with one of my favorite rescue groups, Independent Animal Rescue. I adopted both of my boys - Charlie and Bosley, the kitties - from IAR, and they are a network of wonderful foster families.
The Story Behind One More...
Additions to our family started well before Zach and I were even together. I adopted the boys the summer of 2006 when I got my first apartment on my own without a roommate. Needless to say, I was lonely, and so I opted to create a small little family.
Bosley was originally named Bobby. I was not a fan of the name Bobby, but he responded so well to his name, that I was forced to come up with something very similar. Finding such a name that I liked was difficult. I love interesting names, and having the right name means a lot to me. When I found the name, Bosley, I knew that was who he (Bobby, the cat) was going to be from the moment he moved in with me.
Bosley is a very handsome mackerel tabby. When he first got to my apartment I was amazed at how completely unafraid and adventuresome he was. I was excited that I had chosen so wisely. Not only was he friendly and outgoing, but he loved to snuggle with me. The first night we spent together, however, I knew that something (or rather someone) was missing. Bosley cried all night long, trying to get me up to rub him or play with him. After being rescued from a house with 60 indoor cats, and coming from a foster home with at least 15 cats, he was lonely during the night when he was left to his own devices. The search for Charlie was begun....
Charlie is also a handsome tabby with leopard like spots. I met him at a PetSmart in Durham. He was playing around on the floor outside of the little viewing cells that they use to show off the cats for adoption. He was extremely personable and outgoing. When I talked to the volunteer who was in charge of him, I found out that he had been adopted but then returned when he cried all night long and disturbed the family's children. He came from the same house that Bosley had been rescued from, was loving and adventurous, and he had the same night time loneliness - what more could I ask for? Oh, and he had the perfect name already.
From the first night that Charlie came home with me, I never again heard a peep out of my two boys. They weren't friends at first sight, but it only took a weekend of time spent with me and each other until they were truly brothers
Our girls were rescued from the local kill shelter. We had talked about adopting a dog or two when we were engaged, and I just couldn't wait to see what was at the shelter after we got married. The first week of being married, and before we went on a weekend long honeymoon to the beach, Zach and I visited the shelter to see what dogs were there. When we got to the shelter I was horrified by the smell and the cages the dogs were in. I know the shelter was doing the best it could with the resources it had, but I was shocked. There were many good dogs waiting to be adopted, but Omie and Penny stood out from the rest.
Omie was the first dog that I didn't think I could live without. Her happy little face was just too adorable, and it was love at first sight. Penny was a quiet, shy little girl and had such a sweet spirit that we knew we had to get both of them. We went to the shelter just to get an idea of the dogs they might have, and we came away knowing we had to adopt the two little girls we had seen. We had the shelter hold the girls until we got back from our honeymoon, and then they finally came home with us.
Omie has practically been the model dog. She's playful, fun-loving, good natured, very intelligent, a quick learner, and eager to please. Within an hour of getting her home, she was already sitting on command.
Penny is a very sweet tempered but stubborn little girl. She likes to do things her way and isn't big on listening the 50 times around. It took her a solid month and a half for her to learn her name, and after we had only had her two weeks, she ran away for almost 5 days.
When Penny ran away, we learned a lot of things as a family - 1. Omie loves her sister and doesn't like to be without her, 2. Penny can travel a long way really quickly as someone reported seeing her 5 miles from home, 3. I'm a wreck when one of my babies goes missing, and 4. Zach is my solid rock when I need emotional support. That first time was unfortunately not the last time that Penny ran away. Penny has since escaped twice. The second time she was gone for only the morning and was home by lunch time, but the third time she was gone for the whole night when it had snowed 6 inches (something that rarely happens to our area of NC) and was supposed to be below 20 degrees. Penny seems to think that it is her job to find every whole in a fence, or any way over a fence so that she can escape. We can not figure out why she wants to run away from us when we love her so much, but we hope that she will get used to being with us and out grow it.
Finding a third dog to adopt came up every time that we went to our friend Crystal's house. Crystal has an adorable chihuahua that makes me want a tiny lap dog. Zach said that when the girls were trained that I could find a little dog to adopt. The promise of such a thing made it so in my head and I started looking online immediately. That is when I found Lucky. Lucky is not the little dog that I was looking for, instead he is rather like our Omie. However, he is white instead of black. They have the same adorable face. I showed his adoption page to Zach and he fell in love with him, too.
Today I am going to meet Lucky at his foster mom's house. If I think he will make a great addition to our family, then we will introduce him to the girls and see how they get along. I have a hunch that I'm going to love him instantly, but I'm trying to be practical. We'll see what happens.
The Charlie Calendar Lives On!
4 weeks ago
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