Zach is a big picture kind of guy and doesn't pay that much attention to the details. I'm a detail freak when I want to be, and when it comes to working on the house, I look at everything with a magnifying glass. This is not the best approach to home improvements by hand, but it is a good lesson for me in letting go. Anyway, Zach is not patient enough to spend the time needed on the trim without making a mess of it. I'm glad that he knows this and defers to me on these tasks. However, that leaves all of the detail work to me alone.
I have to say that we never would have gotten the walls painted without my husband. I told him two weeks ago that we needed to get it done, no excuses. Today he said, "We are going to paint the kitchen." He made me get myself off of the couch where I was reading comfortable and start getting things done. I was the one that originally wanted it done, but I eventually got lazy about it. Thank goodness he was there to spur me on.

Our kitchen is now a delightful yellow. We chose Valspar's Filoli Honey to grace the walls of our small kitchen.
This paint chip from Valspar doesn't look very yellow which is why I added the picture above.
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