We ate sitting in front of the television and I turned the channel to try and find something we could both watch. We finished as I was channel flipping, he went to get dessert and didn't come back. When I went to find him, he was sitting alone in his den. I asked him if he would come and watch something with me. "Can we watch channel 31?" My immediate response was, "No." Channel 31 is ESPN. I changed the channel from what I always watch to try and find a compromise and he suggests the channel only he wants to watch.
When I asked him to sit with me and find a compromise channel, he did, but not for very long. After I went through several channels, he asked if we could watch channel 29, which is CNN. He just didn't get it. I was trying to find a compromise and he wouldn't compromise. Nothing was worth watching to him except sports or news, two things I never watch.
So now, I am sitting and watching Jurassic Park III by myself. Why can't men learn to compromise? Why does everything have to be sports all the time?
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