Friday, July 17, 2009
Town Councilman
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Sometimes I wonder...
- Hire people to finish the changes to the house - painting, floors, kitchen remodel, attic renovation, and complete landscaping
- Buy furniture for the house
- Buy an old classic sporty convertible
- Pay off all my of school loans (this should be number 1 on the list) and pay off the house
- Get a personal trainer and get in shape
- Buy a new wardrobe
- Go on vacations all over the world
- Give money to family members to take care of their debt and to buy a few luxuries
- Set aside college funds for the kids
- Do random acts of kindness
- Support great charities
- Write a book
- Make some art
What would you do?
Sunday, May 10, 2009
The Notebook
Zach and I talked about how horrible it would be if either one of us got Alzheimer's disease. I can't imagine him not remembering me or our future children and our entire life together. At the same time, I can't imagine not being able to remember who you are and never again recognizing your children, your husband, and your friends. I hope that the Lord spares us from this all too harsh reality for so many people.
Now to talk about Nicholas Sparks. This best selling author was once a pharmaceutical's sales representative. He wrote his first novel, had an agent send it to 25 publishers, and was offered a million dollars for his first ever book! How does that happen? He has been on the best sellers list with every single one of his books! That's too good to be true? How is it?
I want to write a book. I have some stories in my head, but I have never written them down. I'm afraid I can't do it. I worry that I'd never be able to make it what I want to be and that I'd ultimately fail. However, I will eventually try. I will write a book, get it edited, find an agent, and get it published. I will be an author one day. I know I can do it.
Until then, I'll just keep reading and thinking and blogging.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Visit my other blog - Commuter Musings. Hopefully, you will be better entertained there.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Weekend Away
Thursday, April 16, 2009
That six months in -
Despite compromise and disenchantment
Love is not your start or destination -
But your travel guide and dear companion.
Saturday is our six month anniversary. It seems impossible to believe it's been that long, or really that short. I wrote that little poem just thinking about us.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Working Together
This process has necessitated removing the current pole and shelf in each closet and repositioning them to allow for a second pole. This doesn't seem like it would be a difficult project, and it really isn't, but the difficulty of a task is never an issue when Zach and I are working together. The issue is always our lack of cohesive teamwork.
Our methods for getting a job done usually involve the following:
- Me trying to tell Zach how to do something when I think that he is putting in to much effort, or that his technique will result in having to do it all over again
- Zach getting angry at me for trying to correct him, which results in him completely ignoring me and doing something wrong (or luckily, sometimes he does get it right)
- I step in and try to do it myself
However, our closet project was different. We worked as a team! We had some setbacks, but we never argued or got angry, and we got it done! I was truly amazed. I only changed my normal tactics slightly in that I tried not to tell him how to do everything. In turn, he changed his normal tactics and actually listened to me and didn't argue.
This is the first time that we have started and finished a project without arguing. This is a major mile stone. We are becoming a better team.
I think we are going to make it after all.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Moravian Sunrise

Saturday, April 11, 2009
Friday, April 10, 2009
Good Friday

My favorite version of the story is found in Mark, Chapter 15.
Jesus Before Pilate
1Very early in the morning, the chief priests, with the elders, the teachers of the law and the whole Sanhedrin, reached a decision. They bound Jesus, led him away and handed him over to Pilate.2"Are you the king of the Jews?" asked Pilate.
"Yes, it is as you say," Jesus replied.3The chief priests accused him of many things. 4So again Pilate asked him, "Aren't you going to answer? See how many things they are accusing you of."
5But Jesus still made no reply, and Pilate was amazed.
6Now it was the custom at the Feast to release a prisoner whom the people requested. 7A man called Barabbas was in prison with the insurrectionists who had committed murder in the uprising. 8The crowd came up and asked Pilate to do for them what he usually did.
9"Do you want me to release to you the king of the Jews?" asked Pilate, 10knowing it was out of envy that the chief priests had handed Jesus over to him. 11But the chief priests stirred up the crowd to have Pilate release Barabbas instead.
12"What shall I do, then, with the one you call the king of the Jews?" Pilate asked them.
13"Crucify him!" they shouted.
14"Why? What crime has he committed?" asked Pilate.
But they shouted all the louder, "Crucify him!"15Wanting to satisfy the crowd, Pilate released Barabbas to them. He had Jesus flogged, and handed him over to be crucified.
The Soldiers Mock Jesus
16The soldiers led Jesus away into the palace (that is, the Praetorium) and called together the whole company of soldiers. 17They put a purple robe on him, then twisted together a crown of thorns and set it on him. 18And they began to call out to him, "Hail, king of the Jews!" 19Again and again they struck him on the head with a staff and spit on him. Falling on their knees, they paid homage to him. 20And when they had mocked him, they took off the purple robe and put his own clothes on him. Then they led him out to crucify him.The Crucifixion
21A certain man from Cyrene, Simon, the father of Alexander and Rufus, was passing by on his way in from the country, and they forced him to carry the cross. 22They brought Jesus to the place called Golgotha (which means The Place of the Skull). 23Then they offered him wine mixed with myrrh, but he did not take it. 24And they crucified him. Dividing up his clothes, they cast lots to see what each would get.25It was the third hour when they crucified him. 26The written notice of the charge against him read: THE KING OF THE JEWS. 27They crucified two robbers with him, one on his right and one on his left. 29Those who passed by hurled insults at him, shaking their heads and saying, "So! You who are going to destroy the temple and build it in three days, 30come down from the cross and save yourself!"
31In the same way the chief priests and the teachers of the law mocked him among themselves. "He saved others," they said, "but he can't save himself! 32Let this Christ, this King of Israel, come down now from the cross, that we may see and believe." Those crucified with him also heaped insults on him.
The Death of Jesus
33At the sixth hour darkness came over the whole land until the ninth hour. 34And at the ninth hour Jesus cried out in a loud voice,
"אלוהים, אלוהים, למה יש לך עזוב אותי"—which means,"My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?"35When some of those standing near heard this, they said, "Listen, he's calling Elijah."
36One man ran, filled a sponge with wine vinegar, put it on a stick, and offered it to Jesus to drink. "Now leave him alone. Let's see if Elijah comes to take him down," he said.
37With a loud cry, Jesus breathed his last.
38The curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. 39And when the centurion, who stood there in front of Jesus, heard his cry and saw how he died, he said, "Surely this man was the Son of God!"
40Some women were watching from a distance. Among them were Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James the younger and of Joses, and Salome. 41In Galilee these women had followed him and cared for his needs. Many other women who had come up with him to Jerusalem were also there.
The Burial of Jesus
42It was Preparation Day (that is, the day before the Sabbath). So as evening approached, 43Joseph of Arimathea, a prominent member of the Council, who was himself waiting for the kingdom of God, went boldly to Pilate and asked for Jesus' body. 44Pilate was surprised to hear that he was already dead. Summoning the centurion, he asked him if Jesus had already died. 45When he learned from the centurion that it was so, he gave the body to Joseph. 46So Joseph bought some linen cloth, took down the body, wrapped it in the linen, and placed it in a tomb cut out of rock. Then he rolled a stone against the entrance of the tomb. 47Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of Joses saw where he was laid.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Today I'm back at work and just wish that I could be in bed. I'm still so tired.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Another Saturday
This evening after dinner we went to our friend S's house to meet up with other friends and watch the basketball game. It was strange to hear a knock at the door later in the evening and have my friend Beth walk through the door. S never talks to Zach about their dating, and so I never know what is going on. S has been sick for the past few weeks and so I didn't know if they had seen each other much or not. Apparently they have. She walked in and was completely comfortable coming into his house and taking his seat in the recliner while he moved to the floor. It was interesting to have her added to the group, a new experience. It is usually our friends, all married couples now, and single S, but everything seems to have changed.
Zach and I were the last of the couples to leave at about 11:30. It was different to leave S's house with Beth still there. Leaving them alone together. Knowing that although she was once my best friend, we have grown so far apart that I will never be someone she turns to and tells about this new relationship. Even asking her about it to open the door for confiding in me would seem strange. Maybe this relationship will soon reopen that door though. I hope so.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
That is what I told him this morning before I left.
It applies to many things within our marriage, and all of them involve him not listening and following through.
It's one of those days when "forever" seems more torture than treasure.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
I suddenly want to be in a train compartment, somewhere in Europe or traversing into the Balkans...looking out the window with a camera in my bag, a notebook on my lap, and a pencil in hand with its nibbled end resting on my lower lip.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Tuesday, the new Monday
Weekend recap:
We didn't do that much on Saturday. I went to a teacher's job fair in the afternoon, but this was what I came away with...
School Principal: "It's so nice to meet you. We don't have any positions open, but please leave your resume (adds mine to a stack of 200) and if something becomes available we'll call you!"
Me: "Thank you!"
And that was it.
On Sunday I went to a wedding shower for my soon to be sister-in-law. My brother is getting married in April to an amazing woman and we are all so excited. We don't know how she puts up with him, but are grateful she will be his better half soon.
After the shower we had a family meal at my Aunt Karen's and Uncle Pete's house. Pete cooked and completely spoiled us with a delicious dinner. He likes to experiment with ordinary meal staples, and he never fails to impress! We had stuffed meatloaf and herbed, twice baked mashed potatoes. Amazing!
Something good from Monday...I made us delicious omelets! And that's about it.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Game Night!
However, we had a good time!

- 1/2 lb (.2 kg). ground beef or turkey, cooked and drained
- 1 1.25 oz (35 grm) package taco seasoning mix
- 1 cup (225 ml) shredded cheddar cheese
- 2 tbsp (30 ml) water
- 2 8 oz (224 grm). pkgs. refrigerated crescent roll dough
- 1 med. green bell pepper
- 1/2 head lettuce, shredded
- 1 med. tomato, cubed
- 1 small onion, chopped
- 1/2 cup (125 ml) whole pitted black olives, sliced
- 1 cup (225 ml) salsa
- sour cream
- Preheat oven to 375 degrees (200 C.).
- Combine meat, seasoning mix, cheese and water in 2 qt. batter bowl.
- Arrange crescent triangles in a circle on a 13" round baking stone, with bases overlapping in center and points to outside (there should be a five inch diameter circle in center).
- Spoon meat mixture over rolls where they overlap.
- Fold points of triangles over filling and tuck under base at center (filling will not be completely covered).
- Bake 20 to 25 minutes or until golden brown.
- Cut off the top of the bell pepper, place pepper in center of ring; fill with salsa.
- Mound lettuce, onion, tomato and olives around pepper.
- Garnish with sour cream (optional).
- Cut and serve.
Thursday, March 26, 2009

I did some grocery shopping on the way home and my sugar bottomed out while I was trying to decide which kind of snack bars to get. I chose to get the FiberOne bars that they promote on the Biggest Loser. They are very delicious with so much fiber! And then I went and got an orange juice and drank that while I did the rest of my shopping.

Anyway, I vegged in front of the TV for the evening, and now I'm going to bed. My husband can be a really good man sometimes. He is going to brown the ground turkey and beef needed for the recipe I have for tomorrow's dinner. I am going to make a Taco Ring! Mmm! I'll post the recipe later with a picture of the final product if I can.
Productive Evening = No Post
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Zach then said that I should get up. It was 15 minutes past the time I normally leave the house for work. I realized that I was having trouble seeing when I got out of bed, and then I started crying for no reason. Zach realized what was going on and went downstairs and brought me some juice. Ah, juice. It makes all the difference when my sugar is low.
It was a crazy way to start my day. However, it was the most interesting thing that happened today as well. Work was work, and then I came home.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Love and Leaves
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Sunday Sunshine
Zach is a big picture kind of guy and doesn't pay that much attention to the details. I'm a detail freak when I want to be, and when it comes to working on the house, I look at everything with a magnifying glass. This is not the best approach to home improvements by hand, but it is a good lesson for me in letting go. Anyway, Zach is not patient enough to spend the time needed on the trim without making a mess of it. I'm glad that he knows this and defers to me on these tasks. However, that leaves all of the detail work to me alone.
I have to say that we never would have gotten the walls painted without my husband. I told him two weeks ago that we needed to get it done, no excuses. Today he said, "We are going to paint the kitchen." He made me get myself off of the couch where I was reading comfortable and start getting things done. I was the one that originally wanted it done, but I eventually got lazy about it. Thank goodness he was there to spur me on.

This paint chip from Valspar doesn't look very yellow which is why I added the picture above.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
I believed that my soil options at the house were limited. K said that her's loved the acidity from the sunflower seeds that she kept in her bird feeder. The irises under the feeder thrived. I have lots of pine trees in my yard, and not a lot of well drained soil that I can see. So, I decided to do an experiment. I planted the irises in seven different places around my yard. The soil in each place was amazingly different.
Under some of the pines in the front yard, there is a bed of ivy. I planted three in with the ivy. It might be hard for them to survive when trying to compete with the ivy, but the soil was dark and loamy.
Under a different pine tree out in the middle of the yard, I planted five more. The soil at the foot of this tree was rather sandy. I planted two more at the base of another pine tree, but the soil underneath that tree was the same sandy soil.
In the back yard, I planted two more under another pine tree. This soil was mostly red clay. It was hard, dense and rather dry. I don't know if these irises will do well, but I wanted to try out everything. We'll see what happens.
I planted another one under an oak tree in a back corner of our yard. The soil here was rather loamy as well, but a little damp. This one has a view into the soybean field. I hope it does well so that I can see it blooming against this backdrop.
Two more were planted at the edge of the cedar trees that act as a wind break between the yard and the field. This soil was very dry and powdery. When I tried to water the two irises later, the water rolled off the soil and down the hill, never soaking in. I think that a real rain will have to come to get them wet. The soil just seems to repel the water. I thought that was really odd. To counter act that, I created little wells in behind the iris further up the hill and filled those with water. Hopefully it will soak in and there will be some water for the irises before it rains. I'll continue doing this until it rains.
The last iris was planted next to our patio. There is a rosebush and some lilies or something planted around it, but nothing that has done well. I planted it there, just for a different kind of soil. This was dark, damp, and yet kind of sandy.
Over all, I was amazed to find at least five different kind of soils in my yard. Who knew there would be so many different planting environments in the same yard? We'll see which kind of soil the irises survive in best, and from then on I'll know where to plant them.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Better Late Than Never - The Farm Story
While I didn't have any farm hand experience, I came on board with loads of enthusiasm. I'm glad that R and K decided to give me the benefit of the doubt that I could learn what I needed to know. Living on the farm was wonderful! I enjoyed the physical labor more than I ever imagined. I realized that there is nothing like seeing the real fruits of your labor, such as having a clean horse stall or selling a healthy goat.
I used to get up in the mornings at 6 am in order to have enough time to do my farm chores and then get ready to go to work. Even when it was really cold and I had to break the ice in the horses' water buckets, I enjoyed taking care of the animals. I enjoyed doing everything required to make sure they were happy and healthy. In fact, I love cleaning stalls. Yes, I know, it sounds strange even to me, but it is completely true. I would happily clean horse stalls for a living if I could get paid enough to live on.
I have wanted to live on a farm ever since I read the Laura Ingalls Wilder books, the "Little House" series, which include Farmer Boy. Farmer Boy was the story of Laura's husband Almanzo Wilder's childhood on a farm in New York. Although 40 Days Farm is a "work in progress" as R likes to call it, I was not disappointed with my experiences there. During the spring of 2008, I helped with the birth of 12 goats and one colt. I learned how to milk a goat and that chickens are the best garbage disposal imaginable - what other garbage disposal will give you fresh eggs in exchange for rotting leftovers? I now know how to groom a horse and some basic medical concerns to look out for when working with horses. It is a time in my life that I will never forget and will probably long for far into the future.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
No Wednesday Post
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Ah, Tuesday

I love The Biggest Loser. I don't know why it fascinates me to watch people working out and losing weight, but it does. Perhaps it is because I wish that I could be one of them. I want a place on the Loser Ranch where I can have 24 hour access to a gym and a personal trainer to make sure that I do things the way I should. I want the chance to lose all the weight I shouldn't be carrying. I want the opportunity to lose weight and better manage my diabetes, but I want someone to help me do it. No, I want someone to make me do it.
I think that The Biggest Loser producers should come up with a different show that runs along the same lines. However, this new show should be one for people that's aren't 300+ lbs, but people that have trouble getting rid of the 40 or 50 lbs that are keeping them from being healthy. Sure, huge people need help, but what about the people that could eventually be huge and need an intervention. Yes, this new show should be an intervention show. Perhaps they could call it "The Next Ten Pounds." That next ten pounds could be all that's keeping someone from being obese, or it could be all they need to lose to be healthier. I would want to be on that show.
I'm trying to eat healthier now. I started off this week by restricting my caloric intake to 1400 calories. I've managed to do this pretty well for the past two days. I'll weigh myself at the end of the week and see if it made a difference. Next week I'll start exercising. Hopefully I can lose the 45 lbs that I want to get rid of once and for all. We'll see what happens. It will probably take time and determination, but I think that I can do it. Thank goodness I don't have 145 lbs that I need to lose.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Monday Night Movie and Scrabble

I believe I have some acting talents, but I don't think that I have the determination to see if I could break into the business. It's just too hard. If I could, I'd work for the BBC for free if they could teach me to master a British accent. I would do a lot of things just for the experience. Everyone should hire me and save money in these tough economic times. I would work for next to nothing!
So, The Duchess, a good movie that I openly recommend.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Compromises and Cloverfield

I recommend watching this movie on your laptop. Zach and I sat on the couch in his man den to watch this flick. Having it in that smaller format really made it seem like we were watching the movie on a hand held video camera. That added feel was really worth while. I'm looking forward to the sequal.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Rainy Saturday

Most of the furry bodies are asleep. The pups are in their crate, and Charlie is curled up on one of the dog beds. Asher and Levi are getting to explore the laundry room as I left the door between it and the party room open. They aren't brave enough to come into the den with everyone, but they are having a good time exploring this new terrain.

And so we are all having a relaxed day. Poor Zach is at work until 1:00, but he'll be home before long. I had planned on planting some iris bulbs that a friend at work gave me, but I'm not sure if I want to venture out and dig in the mud. It would probably be a good day to find the well drained soil that they need, but I think I'll do that tomorrow. For now I'll make myself a cup of warm cider and enjoy planning a project for a friend's new baby.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Beth and Taxes
Other than doing my mom's taxes, the only other interesting thing to mention about last night was the topic of conversation with my husband. All we could talk about last night was how a friend of ours, S, who hasn't had a girlfriend is years that I know of, is dating a friend of mine, Beth. I love Beth, and she was my best friend through high school. When we left for college, we weren't that great at keeping in touch over long distances, and our friendship suffered. I have truly missed the closeness that we used to share, but Beth made lots of friends while in college. I don't know that I can compete with them these days. Beth is always busy, and while she only lives about 7 minutes from my house, I hardly see her. I have tried to rekindle our former closeness, but I haven't been diligent about it. I've been easily defeated by competing priorities or other friends without even putting up much of a fight.
The friend that Beth is now dating is someone that I also love. S is my sister's age and has been in my life off and on since I was in elementary school. We went to the same church, and he worked with my sister when they were in high school. As chance would have it, I didn't see S for years when I went away to school, but my husband became one of his best friends in my absence. S is the best kind of man that goes completely unappreciated. He's dependable, kind, there to lend a helping hand, a man of faith, and very intelligent with a range of knowledge bases. And now S is seeing my friend, Beth, because her coworker goes to church with him and set them up.
Zach used to talk about setting them up. He thought it was the best idea. I used to tell him that it wouldn't work. While I was sure they would be great friends, the Beth I had known and the S I know were not completely compatible in their life plans. Beth was born and raised in Massachusetts and has talked about moving back north for as long as I can remember. S does not like to leave the town we grew up in, and usually refuses to leave our county for any reason. I just didn't see how that would work.
I am beginning to think that perhaps I was wrong about their compatibility. I am hoping for things that I didn't consider before. I hope that they enjoy each other's company, but I have a selfish motive. I want Beth to join our close knit group of friends that her new date is such a big part of. I want a chance to be her best friend again. I also want to see both of them happy, and I think that this relationship could bring them happiness. Perhaps Beth can help
S expand his comfort with traveling and open him up to the idea of seeing new things and experiencing new places. Maybe it will be the best thing ever. I hope....
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Together, what could be easier?
We ate sitting in front of the television and I turned the channel to try and find something we could both watch. We finished as I was channel flipping, he went to get dessert and didn't come back. When I went to find him, he was sitting alone in his den. I asked him if he would come and watch something with me. "Can we watch channel 31?" My immediate response was, "No." Channel 31 is ESPN. I changed the channel from what I always watch to try and find a compromise and he suggests the channel only he wants to watch.
So now, I am sitting and watching Jurassic Park III by myself. Why can't men learn to compromise? Why does everything have to be sports all the time?
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Waking up
My memory views as if it were a movie filmed through a sheer veil where all objects are haloed in a dreamy light. Let me explain why it was such an extraordinary morning.
The alarm goes off at 5:30 to wake me up and let me know that I have a half hour to start to stir around. The alarm goes off at 5:50 as a warning to seriously consider starting to get up. The alarm goes off at 6:00 to say that it is now time to get up. The alarm goes off at 6:30 to tell me that I should be heading out the door.
I try to get up by the time the 6:00 alarm goes off, or at least by 6:10. I then tell my husband that he needs to get up to take the dogs out because they have inevitably heard me get up and are starting to get antsy. Two of the dogs have small bladders. He responds that he's getting up and will either roll over or not move at all, but never tries to get up. He will lay there for another10 minutes, usually falling back to sleep until I tell him he has to get up and take the dogs out. He usually groans and says that he's getting up again or just ignores me.
At this point the dogs are starting to get hysterical because they have to go out and I am trying to jump in the shower as I have to get ready for work and then leave in 15 minutes. So I end up yelling at him to get his butt out of bed and take the dogs out. Sometimes I will go in to the room and rip the covers off of him and pinch him as motivation.
All in all, it's a horribly stressful and irritating way to start the day having to deal with my husband like he's a child needing to get up for school. I always end up leaving late, and he makes me angry with his refusal to get up and do what he's supposed to before he goes to work. My husband doesn't have to be at work until 7:30 and we live five minutes from his workplace. Though I try to get him up in time to take care of the dogs (I take care of the cats in the morning) and get ready himself, I know that 4 out of 5 days a week that he is late to work.
I told Zach last night that if he wanted to bring the dogs upstairs to sleep in the room with us that he would have to get up the first time I told him to in the morning, no exceptions. He didn't want to agree to that and said he would try. I didn't budge and refused to allow the dogs upstairs until he agreed. The reason why I was so set on having his agreement is that the dogs have to make it all the way downstairs and through the house to get outside in the morning if they sleep overnight in our room. Their crate downstairs is right next to the door. With two little bladders among the three dogs, I always worry about them not being able to hold it until they get outside. I worry from experience.
This morning was the best waking up experience on a weekday that I have ever had with my husband. The alarm went off the first time and he rolled over to snuggle with me. The alarm went off the second time and in tandem we pulled the covers off of ourselves and got out of bed. I started to get ready for work and he went downstairs with the dogs to let them out. When I got downstairs there was coffee waiting for me in my travel mug. My husband made it just the way I like it, with lots of cream, and had it ready to pick up and head out the door with. It was a wonderful start to my day.
We said our goodbyes like always, but I kissed him a few extra times. I can't explain the difference it made on my day to have such a wonderful morning. The day seemed to sail by smoothly, and I was warmed through and through by the memories of it for the entire day.

Image from kilonad on Flickr
Monday, March 9, 2009
Monday Happy Post
So...instead, I will talk about our new coffee maker! We have an amazing new coffee maker with no carafe. Our Hamilton Beach 12-Cup BrewStation from Wal-mart is worth its weight in gold.

Yes, I love my Hamilton Beach 12-Cup BrewStation from Wal-mart so much that I will promote it here on my blog. Buy one, people! You won't regret it. Where would you be on a Monday without coffee? Excuse my vulgar acronym, but it says it best - SOL.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Levi and Diesel
Charlie is not liking his two new cat-mates. He acts like a grumpy old man. He hisses and growls and groans and complains that they are invading his home. He got to sniff Diesel all over as Diesel has the best manners for a young little guy that I've ever seen. He drops right into a submissive posture and bends over backwards to try and make Charlie realize he isn't a threat, but Charlie isn't impressed. Though Charlie got to check out Diesel, whenever Diesel made a move to sniff Charlie, he got slapped by grumpy Charlie.
I've never had to work to get cats to like each other. I know it takes some time and it has only been a day and a half, but I'm kind of at a loss here. When I first brought Charlie home to be a companion for Bosley, Bosley had only been in the house for three or four days on his own. It wasn't really his place yet. I think that helped the guys get accustomed to each other and no one had the chance to feel territorial. The little boys coming to this house is a completely different story. This has been Charlie's home for almost six months now.
Things are going slowly. Charlie has not gotten any more welcoming to the little boys since they came through the door. They, however, are doing quite well in their new home. They are running around and exploring whenever Charlie isn't in the room hissing at them. Levi has a case of the sniffles that I have to talk to his former foster mom about tomorrow, but other than that they seem comfortable here. They have proven to be just as described, very lovey boys, and I have had a great time having them curled up in my lap rubbing their cute little heads on my face or right under my chin. I'm pretty sure that I will keep both of them if everything turns out well. I think that I will be changing Diesel's name to Asher though. Asher is another Hebrew inspired name, and reflects his coloring well. Levi will still be Levi as I think it suits him just fine.
I hope that Charlie gets more comfortable with them by the end of the week. I'm going to talk to some of the foster people to get some advice, and we'll hope for the best. I'd like to say that I have three little kitty boys - Charlie, Asher and Levi. Doesn't that sound great? The whole family evened out. Two people, three dogs, and three cats. Perfection!
Friday, March 6, 2009
Chews Loudly
I've told him that he chews loudly, but of course, he has not tried to do anything about it. This is a silly and petty thing to even bring up to him and hope that he will change, but it drives me insane. When we are seated at our breakfast nook eating dinner, it is all I can do to keep my mouth shut about the volume of his chewing.
It's funny how marriage lowers our tolerance and yet makes us keenly observant.
Ah, wedded bliss.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Diets, Husbands, and Unfair Realities
- Stopped buying fast food breakfasts with his coworkers. No more Bojangles, no more McDonalds, and no more Biscuit Stop or The Coffee Pot.
- Cut out his beer. I don't think the man has had a beer since last year when at home. He's had one or two when we have gone out to eat, but that isn't very often. That of course is number three.
- Cut back on eating out.
- Watch his portions. He is now probably eating about 40% less at each meal than he was previously.
What would happen if I did all of these things? Well guess what - I do! I've never had fast food breakfasts. I don't drink! I hardly ever eat out anymore (we eat out together), and I try to watch my portions. I also try to avoid things I know to be fatty and bad for me. So, what has happened to me? I'm still fat. I've even gained some weight lately. I'm at 182. This is so sad.
Men have it so easy. I love what my husband has been able to accomplish for himself, but I'm so jealous I can't believe that I'm not actually turning green...yes, I should be neon green.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
The weekend will be here soon enough though. Thank goodness for that.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
We will start looking for a new friend or friends for Charlie, as he is lonely. Hopefully we can find the perfect addition(s) to our family. I have the help of Independent Animal Rescue (IAR) and Marley's Cat Tales, two great foster rescue groups in my area. There are so many deserving cats looking for a forever home, there is no way that I would ever consider getting a cat that was not a rescue kitty. I have the greatest confidence in the help of these two groups to find my next feline fur kid(s).
I'll let you know what happens when there is news.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Weekend Wagoneer
The drive to Avon, NC was only supposed to take us 4 hours each way.
View Larger Map
We decided to take the dogs with us, and this caused a few problems and delays that turned a 4 hour drive into a 5 1/2 hour trip down. So what could add an hour and a half onto our drive down?
Well, first off, Owen decided to poop in the back of the 4Runner. Not a pleasant thing when it's raining, the heat is on, and the windows can't be lowered. The other bad thing about this is that I couldn't keep Owen from running away from me. When I tried to secure him, he did just what I was trying to secure him to prevent - he walked through his own poop and walked it around the rest of the back of the 4Runner. Disgusting.
Now we know that Owen still has potty training issues. We've been working with him and he's been doing really well, but we've only had him for almost four weeks now. His last accident was over a week ago, so we thought we were almost safe. We never thought that he would poop in the truck. We stopped the truck and tried to get it up as best we could on the side of the road with loose pups in the back.
This accident required that we stop at the next exit and look for a place that might have some paper towels and a cleaner to get things cleaned up. Thank goodness for Super Wal-mart! I was able to get the paper towels, a carpet cleaner, two $4 rugs to have for the crate (which we finally opened up and put the pups in - Owen had pooped on their blanket), and two sodas for us to drink. I got the back of the truck cleaned while the pups went for potty walks, and we were back on the road in 30 minutes. Not too shabby for having to brave the lines in Wal-mart.
So, we finally made it to the couple's house that had the Jeep for sale. They were such nice people, and had an adorable puppy of their own! We looked the Wagoneer over as best we could in the dark with a flashlight, and then Zach took it out for a spin.

Now we have a great 1983 Jeep Wagoneer. This will be something for Zach to work on, a good project that he can enjoy, a second "truck" in case he needs one, and it's also our new dog car. Maybe now we can take the pups on more road trips. Hopefully the next one will be more successful.
Sunday was a day to sleep late after getting back so early in the morning. We had our pancakes for breakfast like normal, it was just later than usual. It was a good relaxing day.
Friday, February 27, 2009
A Free Friday Afternoon

Tonight it's game night! Every other Friday night we go to one of our friend's houses and they host our group game night. I can't wait to play Apples to Apples and eat dinner with everyone. It's such a nice way to spend a Friday night.
Eventually it will be our turn in March to host the game night. I still haven't decided which games I think we should play. I'm thinking that I might invest in Hilarium, as it comes highly recommended from a friend of mine.

All in all, it should prove to be a wonderful evening, and a great start to the weekend. I'm hoping that I can be as productive this weekend as I was last weekend, but there are no guarantees.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Quiet Night
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Kale Soup!
This soup never fails to please. People who haven't even heard of the green, or who are generally opposed to foods that are green in nature, love this soup. I have decided that I would like to share my recipe, although there are no exact ingredients. Here is my best attempt at getting them down.
1 onion, finely chopped
2 small/medium zucchinis (courgettes), chopped
2 small/medium yellow squash, chopped
2 medium turnips, peeled and chopped
3 medium parsnips, peeled and chopped
2 medium carrots, chopped
4 or 5 medium red potatoes, peeled and chopped
1 large (or 2 small) rutabagas, peeled and chopped
7 cloves of garlic, peeled and coarsely chopped
4 sticks of celery, finely chopped
16-20 stalks of kale, rinsed and greenery pulled from stems
3 quarts (2.8 litres) of prepared chicken broth, low sodium if possible
1 lb (16 oz, 454 g) turkey kielbasa, cut in medium thick, half wheels
salt and pepper to taste
- Place chopped veggies and kielbasa in at least a 4 quart (3.8 litre) pot - the bigger the better. Pour chicken broth over the veggies and then add water if needed to fill the pot to 1.5 inches (6.25 cm) below the edge. Add as much salt and pepper as you wish.
- Bring to a rolling boil.
- Add kale to pot, pushing down as you add it, and cover pot with a lid.
- Cook for 5 minutes and stir kale down into soup.
- Repeat twice.
- Reduce heat to medium and allow to cook, stirring occasionally for 25-30 minutes. Kale should be well cooked but not falling apart.
Serve hot with warm bread for a delicious meal!
This soup freezes very well, and can last for as long as a week in the fridge if stored and covered properly.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
While I was there, they were advertising the newest nail trimmer, Pedipaws.

I decided that I would give Zach a hand, and held onto Omie while he tried to work on her nails. She didn't want any part in this plan. When I moved on to Penny, she was trembling and kept trying to get away. Finally, I thought I'd try it on Charlie, and he didn't have much of a problem with it. We got one paw almost completely done before he decided he didn't want to lay around anymore.
When I asked Zach what the video had shown in regards to getting the dogs used to the Pedipaw, this is what he said, "They show the product to the pet, turn it on, and everyone laughs." This is one instance where I love his sense of humor. He then summed up the video as, "they show it to the pet, the pet likes it, they praise the pet, they trim the pet's nails, they praise the pet, the pet loves it. Being able to trim one nail for 2 seconds is a good start."
I'm guessing that it's going to take a while to be able to use this thing properly. Sigh, no miracle.
Monday, February 23, 2009
This morning I had to nag him to get up and let them out. He was not happy about it, and decided that he would bring his dog, Penny, upstairs with him when he came back up. We had discussed this that night when he suggested bringing just her upstairs. I said that we had already decided that no dogs would be allowed in the bedroom after all the accidents, and that it wouldn't be fair to Omie and Owen. He brought her upstairs anyway. I got up and took her back downstairs and put her in the crate with the others.
When my phone alarm started to go off at 5:30, I decided that I would give him a taste of his own medicine in response to his bringing Penny upstairs. I let it go off without getting up to get it. Zach will often get up and get it for me, but he didn't feel like being nice this morning, and I was going to make a point. He asked me if I was going to get it. I gave him his classic response whenever I tell him to get up, "I'm getting up." And of course I didn't move. The phone alarm went off and started again five minutes later. The same thing happened - "Are you going to get that?" I moved around and turned over and said "I'm getting it." He couldn't stand it. He got up and told me he was going downstairs to sleep on the couch with his dog.
When I came downstairs before heading out to work, I saw him asleep on the couch with Penny curled up at his feet. They looked adorable, but I was still making a point. I kissed him goodbye and headed out the door.
I'm not good at holding a grudge, and I was over it by the time I had gotten a few miles down the road. I called him to see what he might want me to make for dinner to make amends.
I guess we'll both work through these irritations and find a happy medium for the both of us, but it's going to be painful until we do.
Ok, so Monday posts are supposed to be happy and cheerful, but I think I needed to get this out there, that Zach and I are like any normal couple - we can be petty.
I'm glad that we don't hold grudges though, and that while we may get angry at each other during the day, we never go to bed angry. I love Zach, he loves me, and I love a happy home. It takes work to get everything you want, and it takes patience and more hard work to keep it. Happiness is an earned reward for taking the bad with the good. We all have our faults, and we all need second chances...or one millionth chances.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Sunday, the end of my week
Today was an interesting day. We went to church with my father, and while the message was good, the mode of delivery was not exactly my style. I have been to some great Pentecostal Holiness churches, and though I have nothing to say against the actual message - which is the most important thing by far - I'm not into unnecessary acting out. I understand being moved by the spirit. I do not understand putting on a show as if the congregation was a theatrical audience. The only other thing that I have to say is that the Bible is very clear about speaking in tongues in church.
1 Corinthians 14:26-28 (NIV)
26What then shall we say, brothers? When you come together, everyone has a hymn, or a word of instruction, a revelation, a tongue or an interpretation. All of these must be done for the strengthening of the church. 27If anyone speaks in a tongue, two—or at the most three—should speak, one at a time, and someone must interpret. 28If there is no interpreter, the speaker should keep quiet in the church and speak to himself and God.It is my personal opinion, and I know that other people feel differently and have every right to, that when someone speaks out in tongues in church and there is no one there to interpret, then they are purposefully (though they may have deluded themselves) speaking gibberish to call attention to themselves before others to prove the depth of their faith. I believe that God does not feel praised from, nor care about, our silly concerns with what other people might think about us. He knows us through and through. Our outward actions are to be used to witness to others by sharing His love and displaying His presence in our lives. Our actions must be a testimony, not a stumbling block.
1 Corinthians 8:9 (NIV) addresses this well -
9Be careful, however, that the exercise of your freedom does not become a stumbling block to the weak.We must be careful of what our actions communicate to others if we are always striving to have others see Jesus through us. If we act out in church before an unbeliever and they have cause to think that we are "crazy", does that not sound like a stumbling block has been placed before them on their path to salvation? I think so.
I am by no means a perfect example of Christ's love - my outward actions leave much to be desired as a witness of my belief. I am not "quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry," (James 1:19 -NIV) as I should be. Nor do I always "trust in the LORD with all [my] heart and lean not on [my] own understanding." (Proverbs 3:5-NIV) I trust too much in my own understanding by far. However, I think my opinions in these matters are valid. I only hope that I can in the future be a better witness of my faith - at the moment I am pitifully weak in my dedication to "walk the walk". Lately I am more talk than anything, and that results in nothing these days. Pray that I will work towards putting as much time and energy into my relationship with Christ as I do with the ultimately meaningless things in my life.
Thank goodness for Bible Gateway, by the way. I know what the scriptures say in general, but I have not made myself learn them by heart as I should. The scriptures used above were found through using Bible Gateway to provide me with the exact scriptures where I only knew the basic information they conveyed.
I honestly never meant for this post to be a religious rant of sorts, but that just sort of happened. I feel strongly about my spiritual beliefs. May God forgive me for my shortcomings in this area.
If I struck a cord with you, let me know. Feel free to disagree with me and let me know what you think.