Tuesday, February 24, 2009


So, I stopped by PetSmart on the way home to get the dogs some new food. Owen has been having problems with making it outside since he constantly seems to have diarrhea. We decided to go with Nutro brand foods - Sensitive Stomach for Owen, and High Energy for Omie and Penny.

While I was there, they were advertising the newest nail trimmer, Pedipaws.

Pedipaws is an electronic rotating filing gadget that sands down the dog's or cat's nails. It comes with an instructional video that shows you how to introduce the product to your pets and then use it. I did not watch this video, my husband did - I was cooking. When I heard him fussing at the dogs for not holding still, I went out to see what was going on. Penny was cowering in the corner, and Zach had Omie penned down and was trying to keep her from running away from the buzzing Pedipaw. Owen wasn't staying in one place, just roaming around the room.

I decided that I would give Zach a hand, and held onto Omie while he tried to work on her nails. She didn't want any part in this plan. When I moved on to Penny, she was trembling and kept trying to get away. Finally, I thought I'd try it on Charlie, and he didn't have much of a problem with it. We got one paw almost completely done before he decided he didn't want to lay around anymore.

When I asked Zach what the video had shown in regards to getting the dogs used to the Pedipaw, this is what he said, "They show the product to the pet, turn it on, and everyone laughs." This is one instance where I love his sense of humor. He then summed up the video as, "they show it to the pet, the pet likes it, they praise the pet, they trim the pet's nails, they praise the pet, the pet loves it. Being able to trim one nail for 2 seconds is a good start."

I'm guessing that it's going to take a while to be able to use this thing properly. Sigh, no miracle.

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